
Thank you for your payment and/or contribution. Kindly fill us in with details of your transaction so that we may channel your money appropriately.


    To pay via credit card, click on the button below and follow subsequent instructions.

    All bank correspondence charges and Exchange rate difference shall be borne by client. On any transfer made, please state invoice number to ensure payment are allocated to the correct booking.

    Payment Options


    To pay via a bank transfer, kindly send payment to one of the accounts listed below.

    For donations to the Gaia-Oasis Foundation, please scroll to the bottom and use the accounts listed under Gaia-Oasis Foundation.

    For Deposits & payments related to Gaia-Oasis resorts, please use the accounts listed under Gaia-Oasis Beach Resort & Mountain Retreat

    Gaia-Oasis Beach Resort & Mountain Retreat

    Local Rupiah Account

    Account Name     :  GAIA OASIS PT
    Bank Name          :  BCA Bank Central Asia
    Account Number  :  827 0240 799
    SWIFT Code        :  CENA IDJA
    Bank Address      :  Jalan Dr. Soetomo, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia

    International Transfers

    Wise *To pay via bank transfer – Wise charges + 1.5% and offer good exchange rates  Please Send to the Gaia-Oasis registered email,

    PayPal *To pay via credit card – PayPal charges 3.9% plus another 2.5% on currency conversions;

    All bank correspondence, credit card, foreign currency charges and exchange rate differences shall be borne by client.  Please check with your bank to determine what is best for you.  Please state invoice or reference number to ensure your payment is allocated to the correct booking.

    Gaia-Oasis Foundation

    Yayasan Gaia Oasis * for donations in Indonesian Rupiah * 
    * strictly for contributions to our non-profit organization only *
    Bank                    :  PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Persero Tbk.
    Address               : Jalan Ngurah Rai No. 74, Banjar Tegal, Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia
    Account name     : Yayasan Gaia-Oasis
    Account number : 0088-01-000708-56-1
    SWIFT Code        : BRINIDJA

    Forderverien Gaia-Oasis e.V. * for donations in Euro € *
    * strictly for contributions to our non-profit organization in Germany *
    Bank Name         : GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
    Account Name    : Förderverein Gaia-Oasis e.V.
    Account Number : 2076633700
    IBAN No              : DE84430609672076633700
    Bank No. (BLZ)   : 43060967
    BIC code             : GENODEM1GLSTo donate in AUD, NZD, USD or £ :

    Please send to the accounts above, clearly marked “For yayasan donation”.

    If you would like to receive a donation receipt, please write down the date and amount of your transfer as well as purpose and your address to Sabine Debes (Email address :, so that it can be sent to you.