Gaia-Oasis Abasan offers free Yoga, Meditation or Healing sessions for guests staying at the Gaia Mountain Retreat when members are in residence.
Private yoga classes on a paid basis with local teachers can be arranged on request for In-house guests at both properties. Please ask, our reception team to arrange it for you.
04 – 31 of January 2020, Diane Talty
My name is Diane (Di) and I am a fully qualified Yoga Teacher based in Wollongong New South Wales Australia. My love of asana, pranayama and meditation began over twenty- five years ago. I have been a regular yoga practitioner attending numerous classes weekly as well as having a dedicated home practice. I have studied various styles including Iyengar, Hatha Vinyasa and Yin yoga. I teach in a studio environment a gentle slow flow hatha vinyasa yoga suitable for all levels including beginners. I believe that yoga is suitable for every person regardless of age and for every bodyshape. I use invitational language, encourage mindfulness and offer choice of options and modifications with a sensitivity toindividual student needs. I teach from the perspective of trauma and anxiety meaning a no hands on approach. My classes are combined with Pranayama practice and Meditation and I also offer Yoga Nidra and combine Yin and Yang asana within my evening classes.. |
03 – 28 of February 2020, Geraldine Gilbert
I work in my hometown Warburg, Germany as a physiotherapist, yoga teacher and healer.
I am teaching Hatha yoga in the tradition of Swami Shivananda for over ten years in my own yoga studio. My aim is that my participants accept and appreciate their body as their holy temple, and learn through easy exercises/asanas to center themselves, on the body mind and soul level. Yoga is for everybody and everybody can do it, even with physical limitations. Everybody is welcome!
My desire is that my students discover their own divinity and experience that they are their own doctor, healer or therapist.
I connect physiotherapy with yoga, shamanic elements (learned with Shamans from Peru) and energetic healing. My focus is to reconnect ourselves to the healing potential of mother Earth, to feel that we are all part of nature and connected with everything. |
02 – 31 of March 2020, Tayla Watson
My name is Tayla, I live on the South Coast of Australia and I work as a speech pathologist and yoga teacher. I first found yoga during my university degree in 2012, when my counsellor suggested I try a yoga class to see if it would help manage my levels of stress and anxiety. After my first yoga class I realised I had found a tool to help me learn to live life in a way that delights my mind body and soul every single day. It was the beginning of eternal growth and seeing challenging circumstances as light. I think one of the best things in my life I can do is to give students one tool to help make challenging circumstances in their life a little easier.
I have taught, shared and spread my love of yoga for three years, in multiple gyms and yoga studios. Vinyassa flow, yin yoga and yoga nidra and yoga for children are my favourite styles of yoga to teach. I am most passionate about awakening love in all beings as well as changing the way we interact in our forever busy world. I believe in the importance of creating presence, kindness and purpose with in our interactions. In my classes I like to create opportunities for students to connect to their inner spiritual self, mother earth and support an awakening to their path of healing. I live my life by the eight limbs of yoga each day and I am passionate about sharing this knowledge with fellow lovers of yoga. |
03 – 29 of April 2020, Eline Janine Muller
My name is Eline. I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I work as a forensic and clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and yoga teacher. I finished my yoga teacher (YTT200) training in the mountains of Guatemala.
On this sacred Mayan grounds I experienced we are part of nature and nature is part of us. In my own life I discovered practicing and studying yoga is guiding me in the journey of life. I came to realize that the universe is so much kinder and wiser than I could ever imagine. So to me yoga is a spiritual path in the first place and at the same time the lessons are so down to earth.
The asana practice is a tool to unite body, mind and spirit. To unite our daily life with our spiritual life.
So yoga is never just about the physical practice. It is also about the flexibility of the mind.
We learn to feel, respect and reflect on our own boundaries and at the same time consciously setting new boundaries there where they serve our body and our true self.
My classes follow the rhythm of nature: with respect to the seasons, the elements, the sun and the moon. Connected to the time of day, being more dynamic and energetic in the mornings and more reflective and restorative in the evenings.
Through yoga we learn and connect to ourselves, others and all beings.
This is how I teach. For everyone, for every body, every day. |
02– 31of May 2020, Jules
A dedicated yogini for 30+ years, I use my creativity and life experience to guide people to achieve improved mobility in their bodies and clarity in their minds through the transformative power of yoga, meditation and wellbeing science. I have completed 500+ hours of training and specialise in breath-led movement, following the lineage of Krishnamacharya (who inspired teachers such as his son TKV Desikacher, Indra Devi, BKS Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois and AG Mohan). Yoga can benefit every body, and everyone is welcomed in my classes. In Sydney and the south coast of Australia, I teach yoga, mindfulness, meditation, wellbeing and creativity to individuals and groups, in yoga studios, schools, universities, homes and offices. In Bali, I will continue as both teacher and student; I look forward to immersing myself in the ancient culture and way of life of northern Bali; to meeting international guests; and to taking these experiences back to support the wellbeing of my community in Australia. |
03 – 28 of September 2020, Belen Martinez Garcia
Hatha Yoga and Acroyoga – RYT 200. 2017
Kundalini Yoga – 500 hour training. 2018 – currently
Integral Health Shiatsu Center in Granada. 2017 – 2018
Bicha in Granada. 2018
Numerous events in Granada, Màlaga, Ronda, Jaén and Seville. 2017 –
Collaboration in many workshops 2017 – 2019
Teacher in Acroyoga Comunitat Festival, Alicante 2019Brief review:
Belén Martínez García, trained as a Hatha Yoga and Acroyoga teacher by
the school (Barcelona, Kerala) in 2017. Trained in Thai
Massage. RYT 200 – 200H Yoga Teacher Training Certification (Yoga
Alliance). Currently, she is being trainned as a Kundalini Yoga teacher by
The Yoyyoga school (Granada) 500 hours of training (2 years, of which she
has completed one).
Two years of experience teaching Hatha Yoga and Acroyoga in several
schools and events: Integral Health Shiatsu Center, Granada; Bicha,
Granada; International Day of Yoga, Granada; multiple acroyoga
workshops in collaboration with other acroyoga teachers: Sergio Sánchez,
Lucas Nunes, Patricia Egido, Álvaro Revuelta. She has participated in
workshops for family yoga, yoga for couples, adults with special
necesities, etc. in Malaga, Granada, Seville, Jaén and Ronda. She has
collaborated as a teacher at the Acroyoga Comunitat Festival in Alicante.
In addition, she has given free classes to several groups, online individual
classes and has been a meditation guide on several occasions.
Unconditional yoga enthusiast, in all its versions, finding in daily discipline,
connection and calmness, balance, coherence, acceptance and strength to
show her passion for life. |
03 – 28 October 2020, Chiara Cirella
Chiara is a certified level 1 instructor of Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, as well as interested in other disciplines such as breathwalk (breathing + walking), and Shakti dance (yoga meets dance), both deeply rooted in the principles of Kundalini yoga.Chiara currently resides in Singapore, where she hosts classes in her home. In love with nature and keen on raising awareness of ecological and environment issues, she also enjoys offering outdoors sessions. The aim is to provide an escape from busy city life and encourage urban dwellers to keep cultivating their relationship with Mother Nature, as a fundamental aspect of harmonious, balanced and healthy life. |
01 – 30 of November 2020, Ana Meleiro
My first contact with yoga I was just 18 years old in Brasil, a present from a friend, a book about Hatha Yoga. Since then my interested just been growing and taking more place in my daily live. I took my Teacher training in Sweden 2002 and since then I’ve been practicing and sharing my little knowledge in Yoga in Stockholm and the last 3 years abroad, a healing Center in Thailand. Yoga for me is a life filosofi where I’d learn how much strength we can find within ourselves. Not just physical but, psychological end emotional too. Through yoga I found a balanced way of living and specially the volunteer work gave me a profound feeling of health and wealthy. My heart ”beats faster” for ashtanga or any dynamic yoga but I also find joy teaching Yin yoga, Qigong and Meditation. |
03 – 28 of December 2020, Margit Weingast
Yoga is for me a balancing and nurturing practice for body,mind and soul. It’s an art and a science of transformation. I began yoga in the year 2000 and have been teaching since 2010.I speak German, English and un petit peu Francais.
I endeavor to guide myself and all those working with me to a healthy relationship with our bodies and to develop our potential as human beings. By coaching and teaching yoga I support people to follow their inner wisdom and celebrate life. My students in Austria appreciate the space we create together while practicing yoga – physically and spiritually. With respect and thanks to Iyengar, Dona Holleman, different Anusara-yoga- teachers and my Hormon-Yoga-Teacher Lalla Truske I created my style o fteachingyoga.I hold certificates of teacher-trainings from Cityyoga , Graz and Anusara, Berlin and love to be inspired by different ways of holistic body work anddance. Every time my students and I, we roll out our yoga-mats, eather at the organic hotel Tauss in the beautiful wineyards of South Styria or at the open classes in the village where I live, I focus on awareness and biomechanics alignment and invite everybody to a joyful,light- heart edapproach. Besides yoga I am passionate about hiking and cycling. And I love to cook for my family and friends. |

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Teach Yoga in Gaia-Oasis for a few weeks and in exchange, receive accommodation, food and an unforgettable experience in Bali. For more information please contact us at