Sabine’s Vision

In 1989 this is what I saw:

I found myself among a large group of people in beautiful natural surroundings, with soft slopes, trees and mild air. The main feeling was an auspicious, indescribable softness, tenderness and openness. Suddenly I sensed and saw (!) that we were all interlinked with each other by light streams or channels. I became aware that these were direct soul-connections and that each of us knew what the other was feeling and thinking. These were channels, in which information was exchanged directly, because our life was ruled by sincerity and honesty. I sensed that I found myself in a place of healing, a sacred place.

1. Everyone made his or her contribution followed his or her own project. Though everyone was individual and unique, we all lived and acted out of the same spirit.

2. Everyone wholeheartedly and unselfishly made his or her contribution. The feeling was totally natural and relaxed, no one was stressed or hurried, and everyone was unselfconsciously beautiful.

3. In the course of time hundreds of people came in order to heal themselves.

4. There was no competition. No one was plagued by fears of not looking good, or not feeling important.

5. There was unconditional mutual appreciation and love, and recognition of each other’s unique way of being. Everyone belonged here and knew it. Everyone lived life to the full.

6. The spiritual foundation of this place: We were all clearly aligned by a mutual intention to contribute to a profound HEALING of this planet – to AWAKENING. Each of us carried this vision in our heart and lived life from this place.


After experiencing this vision I felt totally absorbed in a state of inexpressible, complete, sweet tenderness and power. But what was my reality like? Oh, oh! This vision was distant in the extreme from my daily life. I dismissed it. Nice dream. In time I forgot it.

Around 1991, I was fortunate to participate in the Avatar®-Training and the Avatar – Master course. This helped me to realize, that my apparently successful life as a therapist was being lived out of much resistance. I was busily trying to avoid certain experiences such as rejection, abandonment and being alone.

I recognized that I had created all that myself, and my willingness to experience these creations grew, slowly and steadily. Contact with and relation to me became simpler, more honest and gentler. Waking up in the morning I felt confident about life and loved to live it. After four years the vision reappeared in my consciousness. Perhaps the time had come to realize it.

There does not exist anything good, unless we make it happen!
(old planetary wisdom, from Erich Kästner)

I’m convinced that dreams are there to be lived – together with others who share the same dream.
I imagine a beautiful large natural area, perhaps close to water.

I imagine that anything can grow there that desires to evolve from the innermost soul: silent retreats, enlightenment intensives, aqua-balancing, massage, rebirthing, painting, music, Dancing, aesthetically pleasing architecture that complements the natural surroundings – temples and gardens and pools, organically grown fruits and vegetables, a creative school and the ancient martial arts.

Enlightened, wise men and women or shamans may be invited, videos may be shown, Avatar-Trainings may be offered continuously. All this stems from the same place of awareness and serves awakening, the liberation of the Self.

Everyone is free to contribute his or her abilities. Some of us may wish to live there on a monthly basis, while others may choose to remain permanently. Others may wish to sponsor the project, or visit as a guest and enjoy.
The Role I See Myself In:

Presently I see myself as the inspiring carrier of the Vision. I would like the Vision to be realized in the way I experienced it. I can coordinate the initiatives of individuals and take care that the Spirit of the Vision, as a source of inspiration is manifested in each individual project. Thus synergistically the Vision will evolve from the same spirit with the same goal: awakening from our conditioning.

See you in Bali!

Sabine Willard
Founder & Member of Gaia-Oasis